Tuesday, December 13, 2011

DSpace & Institutional Repositories

Institutional Repositories (IRs) have emerged over the last few years and became very popular in the academic library world. The system that has dominated the "market" is DSpace, an exciting, functionality-rich, open source software package that is installed at over 1.100 institutions around the globe. It offers an OAI-PMH web service for harvesting the metadata of the repository and getting its entire contents in Dublin Core format. However, OAI-PMH does not provide advanced search by certain criteria such as title, author, supervisor, etc. Even the REST API which is under construction does not facilitate searching with these metadata fields, at least to the best of our knowledge. Moreover, the default DSpace OpenSearch support still seems incomplete and a bit buggy. Therefore, a potential solution for searching in real time a DSpace repository could be submitting a query and scraping the results returned through its native web interface. This could probably be useful for building a federated search engine or perhaps for creating a mobile app (currently there is no mobile version for DSpace).

Having in mind the lack of an "advanced", multiple-criteria enabled, search API / mechanism by DSpace, we thought it would be interesting and perhaps useful to write a test scraper that could submit queries to a DSpace repository and fetch the search results through its website. So, we built a simple, DOM-based, extraction rule (wrapper) with the DEiXTo GUI tool and then wrote a short DEiXToBot-based script that submits a sample query to Psepheda (the IR of University of Macedonia) and scrapes the results returned. The following picture illustrates the 10 first results for a sample query by title.

To get a better idea of how a Perl, DEiXToBot-based script works, below you can find the code that scrapes the 10 first items containing "programming" in title. The pattern used captures five metadata fields: detailed URL, title, date, authors and supervisor, and prints them on the screen. Of course this script can be easily extended to submit user specified queries as well as navigate through all the result pages by following the Next page link ("επόμενη" is the inner text of this link in Greek).

use DEiXToBot;
use Encode;
my $agent = DEiXToBot->new();
$agent->ignore_tags( [ 'em' ] );
for my $record (@{$agent->records}) {
    print encode_utf8(join("\n",@{$record})),"\n\n";

DEiXToBot is written is Perl, thus it is portable and can run on multiple operating systems provided you have all the prerequisite Perl modules installed. You can download the lines of code given above along with the necessary pattern by clicking here. This short script serves as a good, simple example for utilizing the power and flexibility of DEiXToBot (a Mechanize agent object, essentially a browser emulator, which is able to execute patterns/ extraction rules previously built with the GUI tool).

Generally, IRs have huge potential and in the next few years they are expected to play an increasingly important role in storing and preserving digital content, academic or not. By the way, a great federated search engine harvesting numerous Greek digital libraries and institutional repositories is openarchives.gr which is mostly based upon OAI-PMH. It harnesses innovative technologies and has grown a lot since 2006 when it was first launched.

Last but not least, DEiXTo was used quite long ago by "Pantou", the federated search engine of the University of Macedonia, in order to scrape (in real time) multiple online resources simultaneously via their web interface/ site. It is worth noting that a predecessor of the current DEiXToBot module, back in 2007, was included in the official dbWiz distribution, a remarkable, open source, federated search software package upon which pantou was built.

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